"The Power Of One"

The POWERFUL Strategy Of
Getting One Member A Month


Why spend five mins to read this?
Because it will give you a real STRATEGY and vision
that you can really FOCUS on! 

A Positive Mental Attitude


Remember, you can do this in your spare timepart time 
or full time. You just need to understand the correct
strategy to succeed: 

"A bad attitude is like a flat tire.
You can't get very far unless you change it.


Now let me share with you our strategy to
help you to see how easy this is! 



I’m guessing you’re wondering why I put “Our Strategy to Six Figures” inside the picture of a heart
(lol)? Well, there’s a very important reason. I want everyone on our team to understand that they need
to take this strategy to heartThis is crucial and the essence to the success of this! 

Let’s start now with the Power of One. 
Watch the video or read the strategy below: 

"Network Marketing Wealth

With The Power Of One"

By Brian Rooney.

Most of the time, when we hear about a powerful success story in network marketing, 
we are hearing about someone that just ran some incredible numbers 
on an almost impossible to believe level.


While it is exciting to read about this sort of success, most of us tend to think
that we just can’t achieve that sort of wealth in network marketing unless we
become a power house recruiter
 and put hundreds of
people in to the business, personally.


This article is designed to show you what can be done when you commit to being
consistent and focus your efforts for a while, no matter which network
marketing business you are building.


I call it: "The Power Of One"

This plan is designed for the part-timer that may only have a few hours to
spend on their business each week
. They aren’t going to quit their job any time soon
but they do want to build a business on the side with the expectation that they will have
the option to fire their boss or cut their job hours back
should they choose to do so.


What we are going to focus on is bringing in 1 new referral
each month. Just ONE.


Can you do more? Yes but this example is going to focus on the sort of power and 
leverage you can build up by bringing in just one new referral and
(this is the important part) teaching and helping them to do the same.


Let’s take a look at what can happen with this incredible Power Of One
system in your network marketing business.

Remember: We are focusing on getting ONE new referral each month. 
We are going to then work with that new referral to help them do the same.

So let’s take a look at what can happen.



Month 1: You are just getting started with your new business. You are excited, of course!
You probably don’t know much about the pay plan or how it all works but you can
definitely see the potential. You reach out to some friends and you bring in one new referral.
You now have 1 referral in your team.


Month 2: You and your new team member from last month also bring in a new referral.
Your group grows by 2 so you now have a total of
3 referrals in your team.


Month 3: You and your 3 referrals are getting the training. You are working together 
and you each bring in 1 new referrals. Your team
now has 7 total referrals.


Month 4: You and your team are staying in touch with your upline leadership team.
You are working together and you each add a new referral. Your network marketing business
now has a total of 15 people on your team.
You have personally referred just 4 of those!


Month 5: You continue learning about your business. You are now seeing some
results and your team is getting excited! You each refer just ONE new referral in this
5th month which now brings your network marketing
team to a total of 31 members!



Month 6: By this time, most people have quit their network marketing business.
They probably said something like, “I don’t like get rich quick deals” but then got
frustrated because they didn’t make money fast. Most folks have been working their
regular jobs much longer than 6 months and not only are they not rich yet
but they have no reasonable expectation that their job will ever make them rich.
But they keep waking up in the morning and going to their job.


You and your team recognize that this is a process that may take some time. 
You are committed to each other and your future success so you continue working together.
You spend time on personal development. You keep learning more and you each put one
new referral on the team this month! Now your network marketing business has a total of
63 people and your team is really starting to get excited!


Month 7: You are starting to feel the excitement in your team, now. This Power of One is
really starting to have an impact on your network marketing business.
Your team is growing and so is your income!


You and your team are building momentum. Some folks may be putting in more than
1 new referral now but let’s keep doing the math based on everyone on the team bringing in
just one new referral this month. Your team continues to grow and now you have
127 people in your network marketing business.


Month 8: Now you are really starting to feel the excitement! This thing is actually working!
Your network marketing team is seeing results and you continue working on personal development.
Your team follows the system and you each add one new referral.
Your team now has 255 members!



Month 9: Your team reaches 511 members this month! Depending on your company’s
pay plan, bonus incentives, etc… your income should be
at a very nice level by this time! 



Month 10: By following the simplicity of The Power Of One, your network marketing
business has now reached 1,023 team members!


Month 11: Can you believe your team is
now 2,047 members strong?



Month 12: 4,095 members in your network marketing
business in your first year!


And Now For The Reality Check: If you are like most folks, you probably gave up around month
3, 4, or 5. Somebody told you “no”.
 Guess what. That happens to folks who have been in the
industry for years and are earning 5 and 6 figure monthly checks, too. We all hear “no”.
Those who succeed just didn’t quit. They just
talked to the next person on their list. 


The key to successfully implementing this plan is for YOU to make up your mind that you
are going to see the plan all the way through. 

Recognize that some will do more than others. Some will do less than others.
Some will quit. Some will excel.
That’s what happens in the real world and it’s no
different in the network marketing arena.


We all know that there are tremendously successful people involved in network marketing.
The first question is for you to ask yourself: Am I ready to become one of the success stories? 
If you are, then make the decision to follow this plan. Don’t beg people to join your opportunity.
Invite people to partner with you as you follow a
plan to create financial freedom together.


Consider working harder on the front end and go for 2, 3, or 4 new referrals and work
with them to do the same. Momentum is a powerful ally in your network marketing venture.
Put it to work for you. Build as fast or as slow as you like but the key is to
continue building your business!”


Brian Rooney

About The Author: Brian Rooney escaped the rat race in the year 2000 by starting his own home based business.
Since  that time, Mr. Rooney has provided tools and training for thousands
of network marketing professionals via his internet marketing services.

Success is all based on learning

If you're SUCCEEDING, it's because ultimately
you're understanding the fundamentals (the 5 Critical Skills).


We look forward to working with you! 



Albie Derbyshire
Elizabeta Kuzevska
cell: 626-379-5692